Chinese TV authorities move to curb obsessive fan culture

Views: | Time:2024-06-03 18:28:06

Beijing TV authorities have ordered online entertainment shows to promote socialism instead of “irrational” star-chasing as part of a crackdown on China’s increasingly obsessive celebrity fan culture.

Modelled after similar programmes in Korea and Japan, boyband reality shows such as “Produce Camp 2021” and “Youth With You” have become viral sensations in China, creating massive armies of mostly young, female fans who vocally support their favourite contestants online. 

Youth With You
Youth With You. Photo: Youth With You.

Authorities abruptly suspended the latest season of “Youth With You” last week shortly before its finale, after a leading contestant was embroiled in an online scandal over his family’s alleged past business dealings. 

YouTube video

State media last week criticised the milk-buying craze driven by show producers.

“To vote for their idol, fans scan a QR code in the cap, only needing the bottle not the milk, so crates and crates of milk were poured onto the ground,” ran a commentary by state broadcaster CCTV News.

“This absurd method of celebrity-chasing is induced by sellers and platforms.”

China officially adopted a law banning food waste in April, which threatens fines of up to 50,000 yuan (US$7,800) for restaurants that waste excessive amounts of food.

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